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English Language Programs in the United States

The question is often asked, “Why Women’s Studies?” This interdisciplinary area of study offers something few programs can at the graduate level—advanced education in a variety of fields tailored to each student’s interests and needs. Rather than studying a specific field such as biology or Victorian literature, students in Women’s Studies might choose to study in a variety of fields that meet their interests—from literature to history to communication to psychology to education to film to environmental law. What brings it all together is the focus on the role of women in these areas.

— To read more of Which English Program is Best for You?, please click here.


There are hundreds of English language (ESL) programs to choose from. To select the "right" program, you should do a careful search based on criteria that are important to you. You should start this process approximately six months prior to the time that you wish to enter the program.

— To read more of Choosing an English Language Program, please click here.

Before you begin the process of choosing the right English program for you, you should determine what type of program will suit your goals and objectives. Are you preparing for academic studies in the United States? Are you preparing for using English in your job? Do you just want to have a great experience in America and learn some English as a special bonus?

— To read more of English Language Programs, please click here.


English language proficiency tests are required of any student seeking to study in the United States who was educated in a country where English was not a national language or the language of instruction. There are currently two commonly used English proficiency tests.

— To read more of English Language Proficiency Tests, please click here.

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