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Undergraduate Admissions Tests

Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is an aptitude test developed by the College Board and ETS for assessing the probable success of secondary school graduates applying for admission to undergraduate (associate, bachelor's) studies in higher education institutions. It is divided into the SAT I general verbal and quantitative aptitude test and the SAT II tests of competency in specific subjects. The SAT is used nationally and internationally.

ACT Assessment is an aptitude test developed by the American College Testing Program (now ACT, Inc.) for assessing secondary school graduates' ability to perform at the undergraduate higher education level, and is used nationwide and internationally. It is divided into four parts: English usage, reading comprehension, mathematics, and science reasoning.

Allied Health Aptitude Test (AHAT) is a standardized test developed by the Psychological Association for use in assessing the probable success of graduating secondary students applying for admission to undergraduate associate degree programs in allied health fields such as clinical laboratory technology, respiratory therapy, radiologic technology, and dental hygiene. It consists of four parts: quantitative reasoning, verbal reasoning, science knowledge, and reading ability.

Allied Health Professions Admission Test (AHPAT) is a standardized test developed by the Psychological Association for use in assessing the probable success of graduating secondary students applying for admission to bachelor's degree programs in allied health fields such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, medical technology, and physician's assistant. It consists of five parts: quantitative reasoning, verbal reasoning, biology, chemistry, and reading ability.

Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT) is a standardized test approved by the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy for use in assessing the probable success of entering undergraduate students applying for admission to first degree programs in pharmacy. It consists of five parts: quantitative reasoning, verbal reasoning, biology, chemistry, and reading ability.

Practical/Vocational Nursing Entrance Examination (PNEE) is a standardized test developed by the Psychological Association for use in assessing the probable success of graduating secondary students applying for admission to undergraduate programs in nursing that prepare students to become practical or vocational nurses (LPN, LVN). It consists of four parts: quantitative reasoning, verbal reasoning, science knowledge, and reading ability.

Registered Nursing Entrance Examination (RNEE) is a standardized test developed by the Psychological Association for use in assessing the probable success of graduating secondary students applying for admission to undergraduate programs in nursing that prepare students to become registered nurses (RN). It consists of five parts: quantitative reasoning, verbal reasoning, biology, chemistry, and reading ability.

Article excerpted from the U.S. Network for Education Information.


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International Student Guide to the United States of America
a Spindle Publising Company publication